
Posts Tagged ‘Asian Cafe’

Guy took me out for a spin last evening – perfect night,  a comfortable breeze.  Headed for one of our favorite Asian restaurants to share some-kinda’-curry-coconut-lemongrass-watchamathingy with chicken.  Delicious… with a bit of a bite.  Jumping on the bike, we noticed two little girls in the mini-van next to us strapped into the back seat – alone.  No adult.  We waited a couple of minutes to see if Parental Unit would show up, and when we tired of waiting, I went into the restaurant and called the police.

Just as the dispatcher assured me that an officer would be dispatched shortly, the female PU (Parental Unit) appeared.  It seems she was inside ordering a pizza.  I think she saw us waiting and got a bit nervous.  In any event, the kids seemed safe enough now that she was in the car.

As we waited outside the door, one of the little girls was smiling and waving at us. Had I encouraged her, would she have done a Houdini, escaped her straps, and unlocked the door?  My grandkids are smart enough to do that… and this little girl seemed equally capable. What if the person peering in wasn’t a kindly Motorcycle Gaga, but an escapee from Criminal Minds instead?

PARENTS:  DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE IN THE CAR FOR ANY REASON.  They wriggle out of car seats, they open doors, they put vehicles into neutral, they let strangers into the car, they don’t know how to react if someone gets into the car…. they are CHILDREN!

Believe me, I know being a parent is difficult enough- DON’T let it become a tragedy.

Just a tip from your friendly neighborhood Motorcycle Gaga and Papa.

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